10/24/2020 Eight NEW Louisville Beers & HALLOWEEN MOVIES You Need This Fall (No. Not Those)Read Now
There are those classic Halloween movies and those staple fall beers we all know and love, but here are eight Halloween movie recommendations and eight special release Louisville Beer seasonal brews that we suspect you've never seen or tried before.
This season, here's to finding a few new Halloween favorites & a few new places to enjoy a beer along the Louisville Ale Trail! NO SPOILERS (except for our opinions on the beer.) New to the Louisville Ale Trail? Grab your passport below. 1. As above, So BELOW (2014)
If "The Da Vinci Code" and "The Blair Witch Project" crawled deep down into the mass-grave of catacombs beneath Paris and in that darkness gave birth to their love child, it might come out something like 2014’s “As Above So Below”.
This found-footage piece delves deep into the real-life, bone-laden labyrinths beneath Paris and the Beyond. (img source) bEER pAIRING: